Grow with powerful mobile first B2B e-commerce platform.

B2B e-commerce is at an inflection point. By 2020, the size of U.S B2B eCommerce market is expected to be twice that of B2C eCommerce. Businesses are fast shifting to B2B eCommerce but customer expectations are also higher than ever. BharatMart is a SaaS platform for running a B2B Business.

Mobile First

Business buyers are also consumers who have experienced B2C ecommerce and they expect the same convenient shopping experience in their B2B ecommerce platform.Mobile first and an amazon like shopping experience.

In BharatMart, you can use ALL the features from your mobile app. Built for a mobile first world.

All the complicated B2B use cases

B2B ecommerce is a lot more complicated than B2C ecommerce.Multi-tier distribution selling, geo-fencing, advanced pricing rules, fully customizable order and payment flows across all layers of supply chain, on the ground logistics and sales management etc.With BharatMart you can manage all the complex B2B business requirements effortlessly.

Developer First

Commerce is essentially movement of goods from A to B and movement of payment in the opposite direction. But between A and B, it can take varied forms (marketplace, own inventory, drop shipping etc.

In BharatMart, you can use ALL the features from your mobile app. Built for a mobile first world.